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A Recent Peace Testimony

Writer's picture: Lifegate Inc.Lifegate Inc.

Updated: Mar 5, 2020

“Dear Lifegate Staff,

The Lord Jesus has been pleased to allow me to see fifteen souls come to Christ through tracts. Fourteen have been connected with the city bus that I ride. But the one on September 9th was at the door of the hospital as I was leaving after cancer treatment. It was your Peace tract that I gave her. I like it a lot.

As you know the Lord directs the path of His own. I usually go to another hospital, a smaller one, in our city. But God wanted me at the other hospital where I was to meet Katie B, a student nurse. She was asked to help take me to the door. Also, the Lord directed my daughter to go to the wrong entrance. This gave Katie time to read the tract and find “Peace” in Jesus.

Thank you for putting the tract in with a shipment of the God’s Simple Plan of Salvation tracts sent to my church. I liked it, as I said before, and asked my Pastor to order some. Yours in Christ, G. R A. Jer. 32:27; Ps. 105:1”

Peace Cover

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